Saturday, October 16, 2010

Little Tanks

when you start out in world of tanks, you get two of the funnest tanks ever invented, the leichientraktor [probabbly not spelled right] and the MS-1 im not quite sure what makes them soo amazing, but these little thing are amazing to put around in, n i think its because everyone has them, so its very balanced, and you don't have to be worried of your tank being annihilated in one shot [witch happens alot after you get into higher rank games]
the two tanks also have a very different play style, the loltraktor is usually the berzerker, taking and dealing alot of damage... but with little health the tank pops after about two kills, and the MS-1 is perfect for plowing around a corner, shooting and retreating for the reload, and with the highest armor penetration of the tier 1 tanks, that is a very good tactic..... AND ITS FREE!!!!

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